Before you know it, the ABFM Family Medicine Certification Exams will be right around the corner. We want to give you the biggest advantage by offering an interactive practice test using 6 highly rated Family Medicine sample questions from the BoardVitals ABFM board review question bank, giving you just a taste of what we have to offer and what you might expect on your actual board exam. Good luck!
So, how’d you do? It’s definitely not the easiest test. Our in-house doctors, pride themselves on handpicking some of the juiciest questions we have. Whether you’re confident or disappointed in your results, we’re here to help them improve.
How Can I Improve My ABFM Score?
Preparing for the Family Medicine board exam means finding the right resources. The BoardVitals Family Medicine board review question bank has been newly updated for 2024-2025. It now provides more than 2,850 ABFM board certification questions targeted to the current ABFM Certification Exam Content Blueprint.
Along with expertly-written sample questions, the BoardVitals Family Medicine Question Bank contains innovative technology to help you make the most of studying. Create quizzes with adaptive testing technology, which presents questions tailored to your current competency level. The Family Medicine Question Bank also includes AI-powered risk assessment performance data, providing insight into your most at-risk subjects to optimize study efficiency.
Here is the distribution of content areas covered on the 2025 ABFM exams:
- Acute Care and Diagnosis 35%
- Chronic Care Management 25%
- Emergent and Urgent Care 20%
- Preventive Care 15%
- Foundations of Care 5%
Sign up for a free trial today for access to more Family Medicine sample board questions.
Good luck in your studying and board exam endeavors!