What Celebrating Finishing the Boards Really Looks Like

board exam

At certain points of the year, hundreds of residents will be facing their final hurdle in receiving board certification to practice medicine. For most, the successful completion of initial certification in your chosen specialty doesn’t necessarily mean exotic vacations and extended time off; rather, it means you catch a flight back home and continue where you left off — tirelessly working.

If you’re magically provided with a few days of breathing room to celebrate, good for you. Enjoy them. Otherwise, (because we get it and feel for you) here are a few highlights of what you, as a newly certified (hopefully) doctor, might actually be doing to commemorate the completion of your board certification exam.

1. Letting loose, sitting down, and adding up all those years it’ll take to pay back student loans!


2. Partying with your friends and family after apologizing for being absent for 2 years!


3. Staying out until the sun comes up answering pages and filling out EMR’s ! 


 4. Taking a weekend vacation and beginning to second guess your life choices!


5. Laughing as you realize the bad mood you’ve been in these past few years isn’t because of residency but it’s because of who you are!


And a freebie because the boards were hard but adulting can be even harder.


Good luck!
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