New Maintenance of Certification Question Banks

In an effort to support practicing physicians that have to sit for the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Exams , Board Vitals has launched a series of MOC question banks that are specifically targeted to the re-certification type questions that MDs and DOs will see on their exams.

The difference between the recertification exams and the initial board exams are as follows:
  1. MOC exams tend to be easier in general. The boards have a vested interest in making sure that as many people pass as possible so that there is not a shortage of doctors in any specialty.
  2. The questions seem to trend toward more general topics. Focus on the content that you see in daily practice, instead of some of the more esoteric topics that are encountered on the initial board exams.
  3. The pass rate is usually higher for the re-certification exams. There are a few exceptions (Family Medicine has a lower pass rate than most).
  4. The vast majority of MOC exams are in MCQ format (standard multiple choice, and do not include ‘all of the following’ or ‘all except’).

We have modified many of our board exams to include MOC specific content and questions.

New Medical Specialty Recertification & MOC Question Banks

BoardVitals is the leading test preparation platform for the Medical Specialty Boards.

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