OBGYN MOC Recertification Question Bank
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“This is the best test bank I've ever used! The questions are great, and the answers are very thorough! I am extremely grateful for having access to your test questions! Thank you!”
Key OBGYN MOC Board Review Features

OBGYN MOC Board Review Topics Covered:
- Primary Care-Osteoporosis
- GYN-Premalignant Conditions
- OB-Abnormal Fetal Growth
- GYN-Trophoblastic Disease
- OB-Hematologic, Neoplastic, Derm and Endocrine
- Primary Care - Lifestyle Modification
- Primary Care-Benign Breast
- Primary Care-Preventive Care
- GYN-Abnormal Cytology
- Other-Basic Science
- OB-Preconception
- Primary Care-Menopause and Perimenopause
- GYN-Endometriosis
- OB-Induction of Labor
- Primary Care-PCOS
- GYN-Uterine Myomas and Tumors
- GYN-Benign Conditions
- OB-Antepartum Care
- OB-Surgical Conditions in Pregnancy
- GYN-Chronic Pelvic Pain
- GYN-Urinary and Fecal Incontinence
- Primary Care-Lesbian Health Issues
- Other-Epidemiology
- GYN-Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
- GYN-Pelvic Relaxation and Defects
- GYN-Emergency Care
- OB-Intrapartum Care
- OB-Infections
- OB-Fetal Assessment
- OB-Postpartum Care
- OB-Prenatal Diagnosis and Care
- OB-Multifetal Gestation
- GYN-Diagnostic Procedures
- Primary Care-Sexuality
- Primary Care-Pediatric and Adolescent
- OB-Psychiatric Disorders
- OB-Dystocia and Fetal Lie
- GYN-Postoperative Care
- OB-Ultrasound and Imaging
- GYN-Hysteroscopy
- GYN-Major Surgeries
- GYN-Minor Surgeries
- OB-Diabetes
- OB-Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Disorders
- OB-Preterm Labor
- Primary Care-Urinary Tract Infections
- GYN-Invasive Neoplasias
- OB-Hypertensive Disorders
- GYN-Ultrasound
- Primary Care-Amenorrhea
- GYN-Congenital Abnormalities
- OB-Hemorrhage
- OB-Pregnancy Loss
- Primary Care-Endocrinology
- GYN-Preoperative Care
- OB-Operative OB, Forceps
- Primary Care-Domestic Violence
- GYN-Acute Pelvic Pain
- Other-Genetics
- OB-Emergency OB
- OB-Postterm Pregnancy
- Primary Care-Fertility
- OB-Care of Neonate
- Primary Care-Family Planning
- GYN-Laparoscopy
- Primary Care-Vulvar Disorders
- GYN-Sexually Transmitted Infections
- GYN-Coexisting Medical and Psychiatric Conditions
- GYN-Ovarian Neoplasms
- Other-Ethics
- GYN-Ectopic Pregnancy
Lead Editor, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Kaci Durbin, MD FACOG
Kaci Durbin, MD FACOG is a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist who currently works as an ob-gyn hospitalist director at St. Anthony's Medical Center in St. Louis, Missouri. Prior to her position as a hospitalist, Dr. Durbin worked in private practice for four years. She graduated medical school with AOA designation in 2008 from the University of Illinois. She graduated residency from the University of Louisville in 2012.
The ABOG OBGYN MOC Exam Info and Study Suggestions
The OBGYN MOC exam is computer-based and structured as two 50-question test selectives chosen by the diplomate. This means that there are 100 questions, and the time limit is 105 minutes. We suggest using our question bank with the timer set to one minute per question in order to simulate the real exam.
The exam is entirely multiple choice (MCQ) in single best answer format based on common clinical problems. Diplomates must achieve a score of at least 75% to pass the exam.
Test Selective Choices (Choose 2)
Selective A
- Obstetrics, Gynecology and Office Practice & Women’s Health
- Obstetrics only
- Gynecology only
- Office Practice and Women's Health only
Selective B
- Obstetrics, Gynecology and Office Practice & Women’s Health
- Obstetrics only
- Gynecology only
- Office Practice and Women's Health only
The general feedback has been that the OBGYN exam content is straightforward. There are usually several distractors (4 or 5 in most cases) and it’s usually not a trick question. These questions are basic and direct, so trust your instinct and don’t over-think the question. Read the ABOG articles, go through the BoardVitals question bank a few times, and read Up-to-date or ClinicalKey on a few weak areas and you should be set for the exam.
The BoardVitals question bank also targets the AOBOG OCC continuous certification exam. Additional resources may be available via the ACOG.
The ABOG OBGYN Exam Content
The BoardVitals OBGYN MOC question bank follows the ABOG OBGYN MOC Exam Blueprint as follows:
Obstetrics, Gynecology and Office Practice & Women's Health (Selective A1 and B1)
- Obstetrics: 30%
- Gynecology: 30%
- Office Practice and Women's Health: 30%
Obstetrics Only (Selective A2 and B2)
- Preconception/Antenatal Care
- Intrapartum Care
- Postpartum Care
- Miscellaneous (genetics, preconception, etc.)
Gynecology Only (Selective A3 and B3)
- Diagnosis and Preoperative Evaluation
- Surgical Decision Making
- Surgical Technique
- Postoperative Care and Complications
- Miscellaneous (neoplasia, emergency care, etc.)Diagnosis
Office Practice and Women's Health (Selective A4 and B4)
- Age-appropriate Routine Care
- Medical Problems
- Gynecologic-specific Disorders
- Office Procedures
- Miscellaneous (psychological problems, domestic violence, etc.)
Review the ABOG Bulletin for MOC for more details on the exam content.
Learn more about the OBGYN MOC Board Exam on the blog
Are you looking for more content to help you study for your OBGYN Recertification exam? Visit the OBGYN section of our blog to find advice and practice questions as you prepare for the Recertification exam.
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BoardVitals is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. BoardVitals designates this Internet Enduring Material for a maximum of 45 AMA PRA Category 1™ Credit(s). Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Further OBGYN CME info found here.