Pathology ABP Recertification Practice Test
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Key Pathology MOC Board Review Features

Pathology MOC Board Review Topics Covered:
- Clinical Pathology - Microbiology
- Clinical Pathology - Lab Management
- Clinical Pathology - Hematology
- Clinical Pathology - Chemical Pathology
- Clinical Pathology - Blood Banking
- Clinical Pathology - Molecular Pathology
- Anatomic Pathology - General Pathology
- Anatomic Pathology - Breast
- Anatomic Pathology - Lab Management
- Anatomic Pathology - Alimentary Tract
- Anatomic Pathology - Respiratory Tract
- Anatomic Pathology - Female Genital and Placenta
- Anatomic Pathology - Skin
- Anatomic Pathology - ENT
- Anatomic Pathology - Forensics / Autopsy
- Anatomic Pathology - Genitourinary Tract
- Anatomic Pathology - Pediatric
- Anatomic Pathology - Neuropathology
- Anatomic Pathology - Bone and Soft Tissue
- Anatomic Pathology - Heme and Lymph Nodes
- Anatomic Pathology - Cardiovascular
- Anatomic Pathology - Eye
- Anatomic Pathology - Cytopathology
Recertification Exam Info and Format Notes
Each MOC examination (primary and subspecialty) is composed of 150 multiple‑choice questions in the single best answer format. You will have 3.5 hours to answer these questions and complete your exam.
The primary examinations (AP/CP, AP only, and CP only) are modular and diplomates can select modules at the time of the examination that are as relevant as possible to their individual scope of practice. You can find a list of the modules on the ABPATH web site.
Diplomates who hold both a primary and a subspecialty certification have the option to sit for a single examination that includes a 50-question primary certification module (AP and/or CP) and the 150-question subspecialty examination. The combined primary and subspecialty exam will last 4.5 hours and is graded together as a single 200-question exam for purposes of pass/fail. A passing score will fulfill the Part III requirement for both certifications for the MOC 10-year cycle.
Available MOC Subspecialties:
- Hemepath
- Molecular Genetic Pathology
- Neuropathology
- Pediatric Pathology
The pass rate for the recertification exam is historically fairly high. MOC exams may be taken in Tampa, or via remote access. If the test taker opts into remote access, the test must still be administered within the two week time period.
Each exam module may include the following:
- Federal Regulations Relevant to Anatomic and/or Clinical Pathology
- CLIA Regulations
- AABB Standards for Transfusion Medicine
- Principles of Laboratory Management
- Coding and Billing
- Quality Assurance
- Laboratory Accreditation
- Patient Safety
- Professionalism and Ethics
For additional information, please visit the ABPath website and click on the MOC Examination Module Blueprints section. Each module has a detailed outline of topic coverage.
The BoardVitals question bank also targets the AOBPa OCC continuous certification exam. Additional resources may be available via the USCAP, AASCP, and CAP.
State Learning Objectives for the Pathology CME Activity
Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
- Determine an accurate histological diagnosis
- Determine appropriate interpretation as well as limitations for a variety of laboratory tests
- Identify common pitfalls encountered while making a pathological diagnosis
Reviewing Medical Faculty
- Steven Hinrichs, MD
How do I earn Pathology CME Credits?
- Check your Pathology state requirements for CME where you practice.
- Purchase the Pathology Question Bank with optional CME Certificate Add-on.
- Answer questions with at least 70% accuracy (you may correct answers as you go).
- Redeem and submit the form and evaluation.
- Print your PDF certificate of completion.
*Please Note: Non-MOC hours (CME only) are self-reported. Please follow the instructions given by your board to report your CME hours.
For full steps, view our Support Page on Redeeming CME Hours.
Learn more about the Pathology MOC Board Exam on the blog
Looking for more information as you complete your Pathology MOC requirements? Visit the Pathology section on our blog. You can learn more about maintaining your Pathology license and read interviews from practicing pathologists, like Dr. Charu Subramony.
FAQs about the Pathology Recertification Exam
Frequently asked questions that will help you prepare for and pass the Pathology MOC Recertification exam.
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Pathology Board Review Practice Questions
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This module is eligible for up to 60 American Board of Pathology SAM credit. One CME credit is equivalent to one SAM credit.
BoardVitals is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. BoardVitals designates this Internet Enduring Material for a maximum of 60 AMA PRA Category 1™ Credit(s). Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Further Pathology CME info found here.