COMVEX Board Review Questions
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“I had little time to study, a couple of weeks. I used the BoardVitals testing practice and studied peripheral information as I recognized the need to do so (after reviewing the explanations provided for every test answer). I took the test (9 hours) and passed it. The information and layout of the practice tests were perfect. Thank you very much. This process helped me review areas of medicine and I feel it added to my knowledge and ability to use my knowledge as a physician.”
Dharma RoseDO
Key COMVEX Board Review Features

COMVEX Board Review Topics Covered:
- Musculoskeletal System
- Genitourinary System and Human Sexuality
- Digestion and Metabolism
- Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment
- Cognition, Behavior, Sensory & Central Nervous Systems, Substance Abuse, and Visceral and Sensory Pain
- Health Promotion, Chronic Disease Management, & Human Development
- Circulation and the Respiratory System
- Trauma, Masses, Edema, Discharge, and the Skin, Hair, and Nails
- Pregnancy, the Peripartum, and the Neonatal Period
About the NBOME COMVEX Exam
As outlined by the NBOME COMVEX Bulletin of Information, the purpose of the examination is to provide state licensing boards an evaluation examination for osteopathic physicians to demonstrate current osteopathic medical knowledge.
The COMVEX examination is available if a governmental licensing authority or state licensing board requests the exam be administered to the examinee or sponsors the examinee to take the examination.
What is tested on the COMVEX Exam?
The COMVEX Exam is structured along two dimensions.
According to the COMVEX Blueprint, examinees will be tested on the following topics:
COMVEX Dimension 1: The Patient Presentation
Includes seven competency domains, which comprise foundational abilities representing the required elements and outcomes that define knowledge, skills, experience, attitudes, values, behaviors, and established professional standards.
COMVEX Dimension 2: Physician Tasks
Includes ten clinical presentations, which represent the manner in which a particular patient, group of patients, or a community present for osteopathic medical care.
In addition to the BoardVitals question bank, make sure to review the NBOME COMVEX CBT Practice Exam.
How long is the NBOME COMVEX Exam?
The NBOME COMVEX exam is offered year round and takes approximately 9 hours, which is divided into two 4-hour sessions, and one 40-minute break. Examinees have the option to take two additional 10-minute breaks between specified sections of the exam. However, during these 10-minute breaks, the test time will continue to run.
The COMVEX is a computer-based exam comprised of 400 questions divided into eight 50-question sections. The 400 question types are in single best answer multiple choice question (MCQ) formats and some questions will be accompanied by pictorial material (e.g., charts, graphs, slides, monitor strips, radiographs).
Learn more about the COMVEX Board Exam on the blog
Are you looking for some more information to help you prep for the COMVEX? Check out the Osteopathic Medicine section of our blog. You’ll find helpful COMVEX prep tips and questions, you can learn more about specific osteopathic syndromes and concepts by watching detailed videos.
6 Free COMVEX Practice Questions to Get Ready for the Exam
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