Neurology Shelf Board Review Questions
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“This Q-bank is awesome. When I used this bank for the first time, I said to myself 'oh wow' because I was missing little bits and pieces which I filled in with BoardVitals. These questions are hard but very similar to questions on NBME exams. I would strongly recommend BoardVitals for everyone who is studying for Step 1, 2, 3 and shelf exams. I used this bank for Step 1, and right now I'm using it for Step 2 and for my upcoming Internal Medicine shelf exam.”
Nadia BadarMedical Student
Key Neurology Shelf Exam Board Review Features

Neurology Shelf Exam Board Review Topics Covered:
- Oncology
- Sleep
- Basic Neuroscience
- Headache
- Pain
- Epilepsy, Seizures
- Congenital
- Cerebrovascular
- Neuromuscular
- Cranial Nerves
- Movement Disorders
- Demyelinating Disorders
- Neuroinfectious Disease
- Critical Care
- Trauma
- Neuro - Ophthalmology
- Pregnancy
- Child Neurology
- Behavioral, Cognitive, Psychiatric
- Complications of Systemic Disease
- Neurotoxicity, Nutrition, Metabolic
About the NBME Neurology Shelf Exam (Subject Exam)
As outlined by the NBME, the Subject Exams, or “shelf exams” as they are colloquially referred to, are designed to provide institutions with effective evaluation tools and useful examinee performance data that can be compared with a large representative group of examinees at the same stage of training.
What content is covered on the Clinical Neurology Shelf Exam?
According to the NBME Clinical Science: Clinical Neurology content outline, the following topics are covered on the exam:
- General Principles, Including Normal Age-Related Findings and Care of the Well Patient 1%–5%
- Behavioral Health 3%–7%
- Nervous System & Special Senses 60%–65%
- Infectious, immunologic, and inflammatory disorders
- Neoplasms (cerebral, spinal, and peripheral)
- Cerebrovascular disease
- Disorders related to the spine, spinal cord, and spinal nerve roots
- Cranial and peripheral nerve disorders
- Neurologic pain syndromes
- Degenerative disorders/amnestic syndromes
- Global cerebral dysfunction
- Neuromuscular disorders
- Movement disorders
- Paroxysmal disorders
- Sleep disorders
- Traumatic and mechanical disorders and disorders of increased intracranial pressure
- Congenital disorders
- Adverse effects of drugs on the nervous system
- Disorders of the eye and ear
- Musculoskeletal System 10%–15%
- Other Systems, Including Multisystem Processes & Disorders 15%–20%
- Social Sciences, Including Death and Dying and Palliative Care 1%–5%
Physician Task
- Applying Foundational Science Concepts 10%–15%
- Diagnosis: Knowledge Pertaining to History, Exam, Diagnostic Studies, & Patient Outcomes 55%–60%
- Health Maintenance, Pharmacotherapy, Intervention & Management 25%–30%
Site of Care
- Ambulatory 60%–65%
- Emergency Department 25%–30%
- Inpatient 5%–15%
Patient Age
- Birth to 17 10%–15%
- 18 to 65 55%–65%
- 66 and older 20%–25%
What question formats are on the Clinical Neurology Shelf Exam?
As outlined in the NBME Guide to the Subject Examination Program, the following question formats will be on the exam:
Application of Knowledge
This exam will have an increased emphasis on the application of knowledge instead of the recall of isolated facts.
Questions are framed in the context of clinical vignettes.
Single-best-answer (A-type)
This is the most widely used MCQ format. Each question is comprised of a focused item stem (e.g., a clinical vignette) and a lead-in question, followed by a series of options with one correct answer for each item.
Extended Matching (R-type)
These questions are organized into sets that use one list of options for all items in the set. Examinees must select one best answer.
Neurology Shelf Exam Prep and Readiness
BoardVitals covers all of the primary topics for the Neurology shelf exams. In terms of content to review, we suggest the House Officer Series for Neurology. We’ve also heard that Pretest is good (we haven’t used it ourselves, but we’ve heard pretty positive feedback. The NBME Percentile Requirement for passing is the 11th percentile. Neurology is usually not noted as one of the harder shelf exams, but most people take at least a few weeks to prep.
Use our ‘percent correct’ tool to see how well you’re doing compared to others! This will help you make sure you’re above the pass line before you go into the exam.
View all of our NBME Shelf Exam Prep Offerings here.