INBDE Online Dental Exam Practice Questions & Preparation

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gold key Key INBDE Board Review Features


INBDE Board Review Topics Covered:

  • Pharmacology
  • Development, structure, and function
  • Physics and chemistry of biological processes
  • Physics and chemistry of technologies and materials
  • Cellular and molecular host defense mechanisms
  • General and disease specific pathology
  • Biology of microorganisms
  • Behavioral sciences, ethics, and jurisprudence
  • Research methodology, analysis, and informatics tools
  • Oral Health Management
  • Diagnosis and treatment planning
  • Practice and profession
  • Genetic, congenital, and developmental disease and conditions
  • Patient Box

About the INBDE Exam

The Integrated National Board Dental Examination (INBDE) is a written cognitive examination designed to evaluate a candidate’s cognitive readiness for the safe practice of dentistry at the entry level. It replaces the National Board Dental Examinations (NBDE) Part I and Part II.

What content is covered on the INBDE Exam blueprint?

The INBDE was designed to integrate the biomedical, clinical, and behavioral sciences in its evaluation of candidate dental cognitive skills. INBDE Clinical Content areas represent the fundamental tasks performed by entry-level general practitioners. These areas are grouped into three component sections: Diagnosis and Treatment Planning, Oral Health Management, and Practice and Profession.

According to the INBDE Test Specifications, the following areas of foundational knowledge are tested:

  • Molecular, biochemical, cellular, and systems-level development, structure, and function: 12.2%
  • Physics and chemistry to explain normal biology and pathobiology: 6.8%
  • Physics and chemistry to explain the characteristics and use of technologies and materials: 8.0%
  • Principles of genetic, congenital and developmental diseases and conditions and their clinical features to understand patient risk: 10.6%
  • Cellular and molecular bases of immune and non-immune host defense mechanisms: 9.0%
  • General and disease-specific pathology to assess patient risk: 11.8%
  • Biology of microorganisms in physiology and pathology: 10.6%
  • Pharmacology: 10.6%
  • Behavioral sciences, ethics, and jurisprudence: 10.6%
  • Research methodology and analysis, and informatics tools: 9.8%

How long is the INBDE Exam?

The total administration time of the INBDE exam is 12 hours and 30 minutes, over a period of one and a half days. The exam has 500 questions, in contrast to the 900 questions found on the NBDE Parts I and II.

  • Day 1 includes 360 questions in 8 hours and 15 minutes of administrative time.
  • Day 2 includes 140 questions in 2 item sets over 4 hours and 15 minutes of administrative time.

What are INBDE Patient Box questions?

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The INBDE exam will introduce multiple choice questions accompanied by a Patient Box. A Patient Box consists of case information about a patient that would be available to the dentist and dental hygienist during their visit. Examinees will need to extrapolate the pertinent information from the Patient Box and apply what they have learned from classes and clinical work to answer the exam questions.

Be sure to review the INBDE sample questions provided by the JCNDE which include Patient Boxes.