Child Psychiatry Board Review Questions and Practice Tests
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“Excellent test preparation for Child Psychiatry Boards and MOC! Many relevant questions with thorough explanations. The interface allows you to customize a practice exam which mimics the real thing! Highly recommended. I plan to use BoardVitals for future re-certification in Adult and Child Psychiatry. ”
Brian RockowerMD
Child Psychiatry Board Review Topics Covered:
- Sleep
- Movement Disorders
- Adjustment Disorders
- Anxiety Disorders
- Clinical Science
- Developmental Processes and Development Through the Life Cycle
- Neurodevelopmental Disorders
- Disorder Due to Environmental Exposure
- Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders
- Eating Disorders
- Elimination Disorders
- Depressive disorders
- Neurology and Other Disorders
- Personality Disorders
- Psychotic Disorders
- Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders
- Sexual and Gender Disorders
- Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders
- Substance Use Disorders
- Psychopharmacology
- Psychotherapy
- Ethics
- AAA High Yield
- Assessment and Diagnostic
- Statistics and Study Design
- Issues in Practice
- Consultation
Key Child Psychiatry Board Review Features

Child Psychiatry Editor
Julie Low, MD
Dr. Julie Y. Low is a psychiatrist board certified in adult, child and adolescent, and forensic psychiatrist. She is on the faculties of New York University School of Medicine and New York Medical College, and was the Director of the Forensic Psychiatry Department at St. Vincent's Hospital Manhattan.
Information about the ABPN Certification Exam in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (CAP)
What is covered on the ABPN Certification Exam in CAP?
According to the ABPN Certification Exam in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Content Blueprint, the exam covers the following topics:
Dimension 1: Psychiatric Disorders and Topics
- Developmental processes and development through the life cycle 10-14%
- Neurodevelopmental disorders 6-8%
- Substance-related and addictive disorders 5-7%
- Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders 3-5%
- Depressive disorders 7-9%
- Bipolar and related disorders 3-5%
- Anxiety disorders 7-9%
- Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders 1-2%
- Trauma- and stressor-related disorders 5-7%
- Dissociative disorders 1-2%
- Somatic symptoms and related disorders 2-4%
- Eating disorders 2-4%
- Elimination disorders 1-3%
- Sleep-wake disorders 1-3%
- Sexual dysfunctions 1-2%
- Gender dysphoria 1-3%
- Disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders 5-7%
- Personality disorders 4-6%
- Paraphilic disorders 1-2%
- Other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention 6-8%
- Neurocognitive disorders 1-3%
- Neurologic disorders 3-5%
- Dimension 2 topics without a corresponding Dimension 1 topic 4-6%
Dimension 2 Physician Competencies and Mechanisms
- Neuroscience and mechanisms of disease 8-10%
- Behavioral/social sciences and psychosocial mechanisms of diseases 8-12%
- Clinical aspects of psychiatric and neuropsychiatric disorders 17-23%
- Diagnostic procedures 8-12%
- Treatment 25-35%
- Interpersonal and communication skills 3-5%
- Professionalism, ethics, and the law 3-5%
- Practice-based learning and improvement 2-4%
- Systems-based practice 8-12%
The BoardVitals Child Psychiatry Question Bank follows the content outlined in the ABPN Certification Exam in CAP Content Blueprint.
What is the format of the ABPN Certification Exam in CAP?
The exam consists of 280 multiple-choice questions (MCQ) in two formats: stand-alone and vignette.
Stand-alone questions are single best answer MCQ’s that are not associated with any other questions. These questions can be flagged for review or skipped. However, candidates cannot review questions in a section that has been completed.
Vignette questions are typically two to five MCQ's linked to a common case that may be presented in either a short video clip (30 seconds to 3 minutes), or in text. Vignette questions must be answered in order to advance to the next question. Therefore, candidates can not skip vignette questions or review vignette questions after they have been completely answered.
It is recommended that candidates familiarize themselves with the examination functions by reviewing Samples Screens provided by the ABPN.
The pass rate for the Certification Exam in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry was 90% for first-time takers in 2021.
Learn more about the Child Psychiatry Board Exam on the blog
Trying to find additional information to prepare for the Child Psychiatry Board Exam? Check out the articles in the Psychiatry section on our blog. You’ll find information on specific psychiatric conditions affecting children, in addition to practice questions to help you prepare for your upcoming Child Psychiatry Board Exam.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Board Review Practice Questions
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Your Child Psychiatry Board Exam is right around the corner. Are you ready for it? Try your hand at these 5 free child psychiatry exam practice questions.
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BoardVitals is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. BoardVitals designates this Internet Enduring Material for a maximum of 50 AMA PRA Category 1™ Credit(s). Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Further Child Psychiatry CME info found here.
The American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology has reviewed the BoardVitals Child Psychiatry activity and has approved the program as a part of a comprehensive Self-Assessment program, which is mandated by the ABMS as a necessary component of maintenance of certification. This module is eligible for 50 American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) SA credits. One CME credit is equivalent to one ABPN SA credit.