What Do Doctors Want For Christmas?

The holidays are here! And that means it’s gifting season. So we asked doctors what they want this holiday season.

From cookies to world peace, we received a range of responses about what our nation’s top doctors want under the tree. Here is what doctors are pining for this year.

Murray Grossan, MD

Website: Grossman Institute

Twitter: @drgrossan

Quote:  Best gift is something homemade. Cookies or muffins or marmalade. This expresses a patient’s true appreciation of me as a person and as a doctor. When a gift card is ten or fifty it is more dependent on a person having their own wealth. But baking cookies is independent of personal income and is a true expression of feeling. I would rather get the cookies than the expensive tie.

David Belk, MD

Website: True Cost of Healthcare

Quote: I would be very happy to see an end to meaningful use this Christmas. That’s about it for my Christmas list this year.

Andrea Paul, MD

Website: BoardVitals

Twitter: @BoardVitals

Quote: All I want this holiday season is the gift of rest for all of the busy doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals who spend their days helping others.

Jeffrey R. Carlson, MD President, Orthopaedic and Spine Center

Website: Orthopaedic and Spine Center

Twitter: @oscortho

Quote: The best gift that we could receive is patients that follow our advice and find their health improved. We have chosen this profession to make lives more fulfilled and enjoyable. When these patients post their healthy lifestyles on social media sites for the whole world to see, we are able to join in the celebration of their achievements and know that we had a part in their amazing lives. There are enough pressures in the lives of physicians that have nothing to do with patient care that the simple joy of knowing that we have made a difference keeps us going. Fire up the internet with posts, tweets, photos and videos!!

David Soleymani, M.D.

Website: Dermio Dermatology

Twitter: @DaveSoleymani

Quote: Warm Weather.

Benjamin Stueben, MD

Website: BoardVitals

Twitter: @BoardVitals

Quote: I would want to spend time with family for Christmas. We are all over the country and nobody keeps in touch anymore. Catching up during the holidays would be great. It’s been years since we talked.

Starla Fitch, MD

Website: Starla Fitch

Twitter: @StarlaFitchMD

Quote: The best gift I could receive this holiday season is being able to continue to work with burned out doctors to help them become more empowered.

Harold Huss DO, FACS Surgical Oncologist at Cancer Treatment Centers of America® at Midwestern Regional Medical Center

Website: Cancer Treatment Centers of America®
Twitter: @CancerCenter

Quote: This holiday season, I would like to receive the gift of continued good health for me and my family.

Dr. Ruchi Dass MD, MBA

Website: HealthCursor

Twitter: @drruchibhatt

Quote: Some more adrenaline, maybe, to keep the marathon going.

Brian Goldman MD & White Coat, Black Art Host

Website: Dr. Brian Goldman

Twitter: @NightShiftMD

Quote: I’d like to live in a country that values good, evidence-based health care and public services more than a tax cut.

Pankaj Vashi MD, Chair, Department of Medicine at Cancer Treatment Centers of America®

Website: Cancer Treatment Centers of America®

Twitter: @VashiPankaj

Quote: This year, I would love to be gifted with good health, happiness and ability to continue to be able to care for my patients. As Mahatma Gandhi said:

If wealth is lost, nothing is lost.

If health is lost, something is lost.

But if character is lost, everything is lost.

I hope to continue to follow my HERO – Gandhi.
Kevin R. Campbell, MD, FACS

Website: www.DrKevinCampbellMd.com

Twitter: @DrKevinCampbell

Quote: A Better, more accessible, more affordable and more sustainable healthcare system for my patients.

Wishing you and your families a happy and healthy holiday season. May all of your holiday wishes come true.

Happy Holidays from all of us at BoardVitals!

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