Simple Ways to Prepare for the Boards

Medical specialty board exams are vigorous tests of your subject knowledge. Without a clear plan and study schedule, you’re likely to wind up feeling stressed as exam day approaches. Here are a few useful tips on how to stay on top of your study schedule as you prepare for the boards.

Planning and Time Management

Plan to study long before the exam date is scheduled. Most students find that regular revisions completed throughout the semester can be a big help. Create a study timetable that includes specific study times for each subject in your medical specialty. To get started, outline a blueprint that includes all the individual topics. Then, allocate the time needed for each topic.

Once you’ve created a study timetable, stick with it and don’t let assignments pile up. The workload will only become unmanageable, and you’ll feel more stressed. In addition, continuous study can be counterproductive, so it’s important to integrate some leisure activities into your review schedule. Take a break and go for a walk for a change of scenery or listen to some music. You’ll feel refreshed and ready to tackle more study.

Gear Up for Fun with Board Reviews

Study time with board reviews doesn’t have to be all work and no play. Gather some of your colleagues for some game fun. Use some free reviews to create games like Jeopardy and True or False to prepare for the boards. Questions can be created according to the subject topic. Even choose some prizes for the winner like a paid lunch at McDonalds or a paid movie pass.

Prepare for the Boards with Test Questions

When studying for a medical specialty exam, it’s wise to practice on the same type of exam that you will be taking. At BoardVitals, medical specialty exam takers get a test preparation platform that is designed with questions from top medical faculty and top-tier physicians. For example, those preparing for the PTeXAM or ASCeXAM for echocardiography have access to a large reference bank with 400 questions.

Those preparing for a medical specialty exam get detailed explanations with each question, must-know answers for the boards, videos and multiple choice options. Even check progress and compare results with other test takers. BoardVitals offers full-length practice exams in more than 20 medical specialties, including pediatric, psychiatry, family medicine, and surgery. These practice questions are an ideal way to judge your overall readiness and estimate what you might score on the real exam. In addition, those who prepare with BoardVitals score 8% higher than the national average.

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