Twitter & Instagram Profiles For Medical Students to Follow

In a sea of options for people to follow for a good laugh, quality information, or motivation, social media is well-ingrained into the fabric of our lives. We’ve scoured the internet for quality social media accounts that can bring you a laugh, good information or answers to questions of those facing similar challenges.


According to Stat News, there are a bunch of Twitter accounts that you need to be watching. 

  • @CaulfieldTim: Tim Caulfield, coined himself the “BS detector.” As a professor of health law and science policy at the University of Alberta, he knows how to read scientific studies. He knows how to tell when someone is making claims not fortified by science, and isn’t afraid to call them out on it.
  • @kejames: Karen James is a one stop shop for her research in molecular ecology, genetics, evolution, botany, space, feminism and social justice. Keep an eye out, James is known to speak at many conferences about her expertise in these areas.
  • @EricTopol: Cardiologist Dr. Eric Topol directs the Scripps Translational Science Institute. His recent book, Deep Medicine, which talks about using Artificial Intelligence in Medicine.
  • @aetiology: Tara Smith studies zoonotic infections, or disease transmitted between other animals and humans. As a professor, microbiologist/ infectious disease epidemiologist and writer, she spends a lot of time getting into the nitty gritty of these infections. She sits on the advisory board of the Zombie Research Society and recently published a BMJ paper calling for “research and funding to prevent a zombie apocalypse.”
  • @AdamMGrant: If you’re looking for the psychology of choice, leadership and diversity; Adam Grant, a tenured organized psychology professor at Wharton College of the University of Pennsylvania and a New York Times Opinion writer.
  • @TFDiet: Discusses “financial honesty”, budgets and guides millennials on the best ways to save and spend money.
  • @LifeofMedstudnt: This account is run by Charlie, an anesthesiologist based out of Indiana. He started the account when he was a medical student in 2011 and also has a great blog. He shares all things humor, medicine, and advice for medical students.


  • @mike.natter: Mike Natter is not only an internal medicine resident, but he’s also an extremely talented artist as well. Dr. Natter’s Instagram page consists of drawings of various medical topics. He incorporates humor into many of his illustrations to show what life as a resident is like.
  • @mmaneevese: Michelle Maneevese, MD, is an interventional radiologist, yoga instructor and dog mom based out of Texas. Michelle uses her Instagram to discuss her career in radiology, yoga, traveling, and inspiration.
  • @medicalschoolhq: This account is run by Ryan Gray, MD, a former Flight Surgeon in the US Air Force. Dr. Gray is the host of several podcasts that focus on helping medical students through their medical school journey such as Board Rounds, which is a podcast to help students prepare for the USMLE Step 1 and COMLEX Level 1 exams. Dr. Gray uses his platform to inspire medical students to keep pursuing their journey and to never give up despite the circumstances.
  • @futuremdlife: Dan is a 2nd-year medical student sharing his journey through medical school. He posts the resources he uses to survive med school such as different study tools/strategies as well as general tips for medical students.
  • @orthomentor: This page is run by three orthopaedic surgeons which include, Dr. Amiethab Aiyer, Dr. Matt Varacallo, and Dr. Jonathan Kaplan, with the goal of helping students succeed in medical school and beyond! Although they are orthopaedic surgeons, they offer advice and answer questions for all medical students irrespective of specialty interest.
  • @dr.cusimano: Dr. Frank Cusimano is not only a medical student, but he’s also a PhD candidate in Nutrition, a personal trainer, vegetarian, husband, avid runner, and host of the Surviving Medicine podcast. Dr. Cusimano engages in personal training and advocates for healthier eating on his page. His Instagram page consists of nutrition based advice, fitness, his med school experiences, and medical news.
  • @dr.mali.mallz: Kamali Thompson is a 4th-year medical student, fencing champion, and blogger. She is a 2020 U.S. Olympic hopeful and is studying to become an orthopedic sports medicine surgeon. She posts about her life as a medical student and athlete. 
  • @austinchiangmd: Austin Chiang is a gastroenterologist, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Director of an Endoscopic Bariatric Program and the Chief Medical Social Media Officer at Jefferson Health. Dr. Chiang is very passionate about the impact social media has on public health and how healthcare professionals can use it to present accurate information to the public.
  • @andreapaulmd: Andrea Paul, MD is the co-founder of BoardVitals and posts about business, digital health, startups, healthcare, social media tips for medical professionals, and marketing and media tips for med students, healthcare professionals and doctors.
  • @dr.audreyxsue: Dr. Audrey Cruz is an electrical engineer turned doctor.  Her posts mainly consist of stories related to her medical career journey, inspirational content, and lifestyle tips. In addition to being an internal medicine physician, Dr. Cruz is also a wellness advisor for PopSugar and Samsung Mobile, as well as the Co-Founder of MedCon, a meetup event for medical influencers and content creators.

Beware of Your Own Accounts

There is one very important caveat to social media activity: Beware that admission committees may be following your social media accounts. is warning pre-med and medical students that universities and colleges consider reviewing prospective students’ social media accounts as part of the admissions process. They will review:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • Linkedin
  • Blogger/WordPress/Tumbler
  • Reddit
  • Pinterest
  • Any others

If they find unprofessional information on your sites, it could endanger your application.

Remember, your social media accounts are not private and they provide anyone reviewing them a strikingly honest look at you. If you are applying to medical school, think about your social media accounts, review them and scrub them. Consider them your face in the application process and as we all know, you want to put your best face forward.

Don’t forget to consider your social media names and handles. A Twitter handle like “@Drunkenmedstudent” isn’t going to give the admissions committee the impression you want.

It’s a complicated social media world out there. Use it to your benefit and enjoyment, but make sure your own accounts aren’t defeating you when you least know it.

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