Cardiology Board Review Questions and Answers
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“This is the only Cardiology Question Bank that pulls together content from so many sources. It’s great to have such an in depth resource for both the boards and the re-certification exams.”
Dr. Thomas LambertPresident, Cardiology Specialists of Nevada
Key Cardiology Board Review Features

Cardiology Board Review Topics Covered:
- Aorta and PVD
- Arrhythmias
- Coronary Artery Disease
- Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy
- Congenital Heart Disease
- Systemic Hypertension and Hypotension
- Pericardial Disease
- Physiology and Biochemistry
- Valvular Disease
- Miscellaneous
- ECG Interpretation and Coding
- Vascular Diseases
- Systemic Disorders Affecting the Circulatory System
- Pharmacology
- Pulmonary Circulation Disorders
- Vascular Diseases
Information about the ABIM Cardiovascular Disease Certification Exam:
In order to become a certified cardiovascular disease specialist, you must meet the expected criteria in the areas of your knowledge, diagnostic reasoning and clinical judgment skills in the broad domain of the discipline. You will be assessed on your ability to make appropriate diagnostic and management decisions that directly affect your patients.
What is covered on the ABIM Cardiovascular Disease Certification Exam?
According to the ABIM Cardiovascular Disease Certification Exam Blueprint, the exam covers the following topics:
Medical Content Category
- Arrhythmias 15%
- Coronary Artery Disease 21.5%
- Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy 17%
- Valvular Disease 15%
- Pericardial Disease 4%
- Congenital Heart Disease 5%
- Vascular Diseases 6%
- Systemic Hypertension and Hypotension 7.5%
- Pulmonary Circulation Disorders 3%
- Systemic Disorders Affecting the Circulatory System 4%
- Normal Cardiovascular Anatomy and Physiology 2%
The BoardVitals Cardiology question bank follows the Multiple-Choice Component content outlined in the ABIM Cardiovascular Disease Certification Exam Blueprint.
What is the format of the ABIM Cardiovascular Disease Certification Exam?
The ABIM Cardiovascular Disease Certification Exam lasts one and one-half days and consists of two parts: The Multiple-Choice Component and the ECG and Imaging Studies Component.
Multiple-Choice Component
The first day of the exam is comprised of multiple-choice questions (MCQ) in single best answer format and is administered in four two-hour sessions. The ABIM recommends familiarizing yourself with question formats using the ABIM Exam Tutorial.
ECG and Imaging Studies Component
The second day of the exam is administered in two sessions and is devoted to the interpretation of electrocardiograms and imaging studies cases. The questions in this component of the exam are special question formats that require diagnostic interpretation of electrocardiograms, echocardiograms, and coronary angiograms. The ABIM provides sample cases of electrocardiograms and imaging studies.
When taking the ECG and Imaging Studies component of the Certification Examination, you will be provided with an answer option list for each case. At the top of each answer option list will be a patient description as well as a button to access any relevant images that will help you identify any abnormalities. You want to make sure you do this first before attempting to find and select the appropriate answer(s). Only identify definite findings that are clearly apparent and significant to patient management. You have to be careful as a correct selection may be invalidated if you choose inapplicable options that lead to incorrect or dangerous management of your patient, if you select an option that could not coexist with the correct finding or if you select more options than considered appropriate.
Information about the American College of Cardiology In-Training Exam (ACC-ITE)
The American College of Cardiology In-Training Exam is designed to:
- Provide an objective assessment instrument for the medical knowledge competency of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)
- Give Fellows in Training (FITs) an opportunity for self-assessment and to identify knowledge gaps
- Give program directors the opportunity to evaluate their program
- Assist in preparing FITs for board certification examinations
What is covered on the American College of Cardiology In-Training Exam (ACC-ITE)?
According to the ACC-ITE Blueprint, the following content areas are covered:
- Arrhythmias: 15%
- Coronary Artery Disease: 21.5%
- Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy: 17%
- Valvular Disease: 15%
- Pericardial Disease: 4%
- Congenital Heart Disease: 5%
- Vascular Diseases: 6%
- Systemic Hypertension and Hypotension: 7.5%
- Pulmonary Circulation Disorders: 3%
- Systemic Disorders Affecting the Circulatory System: 4%
- Normal Cardiovascular Anatomy and Physiology: 2%
What is the format of the American College of Cardiology In-Training Exam (ACC-ITE)?
The ACC-ITE is made up of 150 questions.
Learn more about the Cardiology Board Exam on the blog
Looking for more information to study for the Cardiology Board Exam? Take a look at the articles in the Cardiology Board Review News & Information category of our blog. Not only are there helpful Cardiology Board prep tips and questions, you can learn more about specific cardiological syndromes and read interviews from practicing cardiologists, such Dr. Nilay Mehta, DO.
What is Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy (Broken Heart Syndrome)?
Is it really possible to die of a broken heart? Learn more about takotsubo cardiomyopathy and how this syndrome can be treated.
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Interview With A Cardiovascular Disease Specialist: Dr. Nilay Mehta, DO
Take a break from studying for your Cardiology Certification or MOC exam; here's an interview with Cardiologist, Dr. Nilay Mehta, for inspiration.
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6 Free Cardiology Board Review Questions
BoardVitals offers thousands of practice questions for the Cardiology Board Exam. Try a free sample question now.
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Successful completion of this CME activity, which includes participation in the evaluation component, enables the participant to earn up to 65 Medical Knowledge points in the American Board of Internal Medicine’s (ABIM) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program. It is the CME activity provider’s responsibility to submit participant completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABIM MOC credit.
BoardVitals is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. BoardVitals designates this Internet Enduring Material for a maximum of 65 AMA PRA Category 1™ Credit(s). Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Further Cardiology CME info found here.